Post Invisalign Retainer Care Instructions
Post Invisalign Retainer Care Instructions
Now that we have aligned your teeth, we want your teeth to stay in their new position. In order to do
this, we use retainers. The retention phase lasts indefinitely, but is absolutely essential during the first
year when teeth are most likely to move back to their original position. Here are the key points to
*Teeth that have undergone movement will want to move back to their original
position. We use retainer to prevent this from happening.
*The retainers must be worn:
-12 hours per day for the first year
-8 hours per day for the next year (year 2)
-8 hours per day 3-4 times per week indefinitely (years 3+)
*New retainers will be needed at the following intervals:
-1st retainer will last one year
-2nd retainer will last one year
-The 3rd and 4th retainer will last 3 years each
*Retention is different for everyone. Various factors affect the ability to retain teeth in
their aligned position. If the retainers feel very tight and are putting excessive pressure
on the teeth, wear the retainers more often until this dissipates.
*Clean your retainers by:
-rinsing every morning with cold water
-clean one time per week with mild antibacterial soap and rinsing with
cold water